About Us
I got back into beekeeping when my son became interested in bees around the age of 12 and talked me into getting some hives. We went the usual route and attended a bee course with the Nashville Area Beekeepers Association. From there we attended meetings and read up on bees.
Since then we have split our hives and captured wild bee hives from trees and houses. We have select bred our hives for strength and vigor as well as honey production.
God has blessed us with a strong stock of bees that have very little problems with the dreaded hive beetles and Varoa mites. He has also blessed us with a high winter survival rate. We have never used pesticides to treat our hives for hive beetles or Varoa mites.
We currently have 80 bee hives located around northwest TN. Some are placed in orchards for pollination. We have study hives at Bethel University. We love to teach others about bees and help them out when problems arise.
My son completed his state 4-H portfollio in entomology and won first in the state. He has now became a part time hive inspector with the state of Tennessee and has traveled throughout our state assisting Mike Studer with inspections and certification of hives.